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App vs QR code – Which ordering system does your business need?
Mobile ordering and payments have become popular solutions for restaurants, cafes, bars, pubs, venues, and live events. The pandemic ushered in their increased use but these contactless methods are so convenient, most businesses still use them.  If you’re considering a mobile ordering solution for your business, you should know that there are two types of
10 reasons why mobile ordering IS the future
Although COVID-19 restrictions have loosened significantly in the UK, allowing people to visit their favorite bars, restaurants, and even some live events again, hygiene will still be paramount for anyone going out in public. When the hospitality industry was limited to allowing half capacity and following strict pandemic measures, mobile ordering apps became even more
Mobile Ordering at Festivals and Big Events
As the hospitality sector moves forward from COVID-19 – festivals and events in particular – implementing new technology solutions will be vital for survival. Digital transformation is essential to any business, and the coronavirus pandemic proved how important embracing technology has become for hotels, restaurants, venues, festivals, and events.  Mobile ordering technology has helped many
Sustainability Within The Events Industry Through Tech
NOQ had the privilege of attending the European Tour’s Scottish Open, whilst enjoying the moment with the top golfers in the world.
Reopening the Events Industry: What to Expect This Summer ?
After months of uncertainty in the events industry, are we finally able to see a light at the end of the tunnel? This is the question that so many event industry professionals and event goers are eager to find the answer to.
How Event Caterers Were Affected In 2020 and How to Move Forward
The pandemic affected every industry. Everyone quickly tried to adapt and a digital transformation began all over the world. Every industry took a hit but some of them were more affected than others. Anything that depended on on-premises patronage to continue functioning or turning a profit, was shut down to make sure that the pandemic
Hospitality Industry: What Does the Future Look Like?
2020 changed a lot of things for a lot of industries and some of those changes are permanent. Most of the industries that rely on physical foot traffic have been hit harder. The hospitality industry is feeling the shift in buying power and decision making harder than most of the industries. So, what is 2021
Case Study: Drive-Ins
Most of us missed out on the golden age of drive-ins and are now surrounded by endless opportunities. They have exponentially increased in popularity recently, however, they date back as early as the 1930’s.  In an age where crowded events, crowded venues and even crowded outdoor areas were a norm, Covid-19 brought about a completely
5 Christmas Activities in 2020
It’s been a strange year, there’s no question about it. As we approach Christmas, what is the UK to do? How are we going to have any fun? Well, before you feel down, call off Christmas this year and do nothing, consider some of the announcements made by the UK government to help people celebrate
Empowering Small Takeaways
The online ordering service industry has conditioned customers to need convenience, personalization, and speed. We live in a digital age where transformation is happening at a much faster rate than anticipated. It did not take long for takeaway services like Uber Eats, Just Eat, Deliveroo and others, to proliferate every industry. To be specific, delivering
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